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- 【布達佩斯】從中世紀城堡山俯瞰多瑙河!
你聽過小約翰・史特勞斯創作的「藍色多瑙河」圓舞曲嗎? 你知道「多瑙河」不僅是歐洲第二長的河流,也是橫跨最多國家的一條河嗎? 其中,匈牙利首都布達佩斯的城堡區,除了能欣賞美麗的多瑙河景,還能探索豐富的教堂與城堡建築,以及品嚐奧匈帝國茜茜女皇也愛的甜點店蛋糕! 如果你... *對布達佩斯與匈牙利的歷史文化充滿好奇, *想知道多瑙河岸的布達城堡區可以品味哪些美食與美景, *計畫去布達佩斯旅遊,但還沒有規劃行程,想先知道有哪些必訪景點, 那麼你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊正在尋找的旅客! 這個活動將為你提供...... ☕ 舒適和便利:坐下來,端上一杯咖啡、茶或你喜愛的飲料,立即沉浸於中世紀到現代的布達佩斯歷史氛圍中。 ⌚ 實時互動:對布達佩斯與匈牙利的歷史文化充滿好奇嗎?隨時提問,我們的導遊將實時為你解答!在短短一小時內,收穫布達佩斯旅遊資訊與文化知識! 🏆 專業導覽:MyProGuide與在地專業中文導遊合作,與你分享匈牙利與布達佩斯在地故事。 *請注意,直播品質可能會因你的網絡連接和設備穩定性而有所不同。如果畫面延遲或不穩定,敬請包涵。 【行程】 從漁夫堡出發 經過馬提亞斯教堂 走訪蓋在城堡山的高級飯店! 拜訪茜茜皇后愛的甜點店 到布達城堡賞景 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 Amy(專業導遊 🇹🇼) *中國北京人,13歲隨家人定居匈牙利 *從事旅遊媒體、導遊與領隊資歷超過10年 *小紅書:amy_yyn 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,是博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者
- 【香港】漫遊銅鑼灣,到鵝頸橋打小人!
【地點】香港銅鑼灣&鵝頸橋打小人 🇭🇰 【時間】2024年4月13日(六)15:00(GMT+8 臺灣、香港時間) 【活動長度】50分鐘 【關鍵字】#香港旅遊 #香港景點 #銅鑼灣景點 #打小人 #消災 #療癒 #民俗文化 🌎 我們將使用Zoom進行線上直播,建議提前下載並安裝。 【活動介紹】 你聽說過打小人嗎? 什麼是打小人呢? 「打小人」是香港人驅除霉運的獨特習俗。來到香港島銅鑼灣附近的鵝頸橋,神婆會點燃香燭,祭出剪紙白虎,再拿出拖鞋來把小人打走,這樣就能轉運了! 如果你... *身邊有難溝通的廠商同事,百般刁難的親戚長輩,陰魂不散的前伴侶,綠茶奶茶渣男海王..., *曾聽說香港打小人的服務,但是一直還沒有機會飛到香港嘗試, *曾去過香港旅遊,但是還想再探索不同的散步路線和深度在地文化, 那你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊在找的人! 這個活動提供: ☕ 舒適方便|泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,即可體驗搭乘叮叮車、欣賞銅鑼灣美景。無需踏出門,MyProGuide帶你走過最美香港街角! ⌚ 即時互動|對景點充滿好奇嗎?想到的問題隨時可以提出,導遊一定有問必答!讓你在1小時的導覽中,收穫滿滿香港小知識! 🏆 專業導覽|MyProGuide與專業導遊合作,帶您從維多莉亞公園出發,認識香港城市歷史,探索打小人習俗,看阿婆如何用鞋子打小人! 【活動行程】 1. 從維多莉亞公園出發認識城市歷史 2. 搭乘叮叮車經過時代廣場在堅拿道天橋下車 3. 鵝頸橋打小人文化介紹與神婆互動 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 Longman Luk(在地導遊 🇭🇰) *香港民間文化研究及藝術創作者 *曾擔任國泰航空空服員,擅長與旅客互動 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,是博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者
- 【西班牙】英格列斯百貨 購物指南
【地點】 馬德里&巴塞隆納 【時間】2024年6月5日(三)20:30(GMT+8 臺灣)14:30(GMT+1 西班牙) 【活動長度】60分鐘 【關鍵字】#馬德里 #西班牙 #ElCorteIngle #巴塞隆納 #購物指南 🌎 我們將使用Zoom進行線上直播,建議提前下載並安裝。 【活動介紹】 西班牙英格列斯百貨公司(El Corte Ingle),又被稱為英國裁縫百貨或英國宮百貨,雖然名字有「英國」兩個字,但其實是總部位於西班牙馬德里的大型連鎖百貨! 除了有高級精品品牌和西班牙伴手禮可逛 種類豐富又美味的美食街和超市也不能錯過! 如果你... *想要跟著英格列斯百貨的工作人員,探索西班牙連鎖百貨商場, *對在歐洲逛精品品牌感到好奇,也對精緻美食街與超市感興趣, *預計要去西班牙馬德里和巴塞隆納旅遊,但還沒有時間規劃購物行程, 那你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊在找的人! 這個活動提供: ☕ 舒適方便|泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,即可出發馬德里,認識英格列斯百貨公司! ⌚ 即時互動|對景點充滿好奇嗎?想到的問題隨時可以提出,導遊一定有問必答!讓你在1小時的導覽中,收穫最強購物指南! 🏆 專業導覽|MyProGuide與英格列斯百貨公司合作,帶您在最漂亮舒適的商場線上逛街! 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 Lisa Zhang *西班牙英格列斯公司馬德里店員工 🌏 David Xie *西班牙英格列斯公司馬德里店員工 🌏 Mia Sun *西班牙英格列斯公司巴賽隆納店員工 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者
Blog Posts (6)
- 致充滿好奇心的世界旅行者,我們線上見!
有些人對這個世界充滿了深深的好奇心。 他們會對歷史、建築、食物、時尚、藝術,以及能夠啟發人心的文化事物感興趣。而且他們不會止步於用自己固有的觀點來探索世界,而是會想理解和他來自不同地方,以及具備多元專業的人所提出的文化知識與觀察。 因此,當這些充滿好奇心的人旅行時,他們通常會選擇自由且深入的旅行。 MyProGuide線上旅遊的目標就是協助這些人,跨越空間與時間的限制,透過網路與行動裝置來接觸世界。 線上旅遊的前世今生 線上旅遊起源於2020年起的COVID-19疫情,當時一群來自世界各地的專業導遊開始透過不同的直播軟體,帶領著在螢幕另一端的線上旅客實際到當代歷史名勝進行導覽,成為人們在無法實體旅行時,探索世界的另類旅遊方式 。 因此,擁有各國專業導遊資源的MyProGuide也開始提供線上旅遊服務。 疫情後的現在,雖然實體旅遊回來了,然而MyProGuide還是希望透過線上旅遊,滿足世界旅行者因為各種現實原因無法出國旅行,卻依然想環遊世界的渴望。 對於那些已規劃出國旅行,但是尚未對當地景點做功課的旅行者,線上旅遊也能夠提供另外一種事先認識當地歷史文化,並向在地導遊提問旅遊資訊的方法。 線上旅遊的專業導遊 舉辦一場有趣又有深度的線上旅遊,最重要的就是與專業導遊溝通合作。 MyProGuide通常會和兩種類型的導遊合作,一種是擁有豐富當地知識的專業導遊,他們會為我們進行各大城鎮的經典步行導覽,除了帶旅客造訪第一次來必訪的景點,還會提供當地人視角的歷史文化介紹。 另一種則是掌握獨特體驗的導遊,他們通常對美食、購物、娛樂等不同的旅遊體驗非常了解,因此可以陪伴旅客一起線上嚐鮮體驗! 最新場次 線上旅遊提供充滿好奇心的世界旅行者,跨越空間和時間的旅遊體驗。如果你已經開始蠢蠢欲動,那接下來,不如和MyProGuide一起飛到緬甸古城蒲甘、美國拉斯維加斯、泰國曼谷水門寺、匈牙利布達佩斯,深深滿足你的好奇心吧! (*使用OTFREE折扣碼即可在網站免費報名) 【線上蒲甘】沒辦法去緬甸旅遊?先來千年佛教古城散步 立即點擊報名 【線上拉斯維加斯】不賭博的夜晚,玩什麼?怎麼玩? 立即點擊報名 【線上曼谷】不想人擠人?到人潮較少的寶藏佛寺散步吧~ 立即點擊報名 【線上布達佩斯】從中世紀城堡山俯瞰多瑙河!美食和拍照點推薦! 立即點擊報名 致充滿好奇心的世界旅行者,我們線上再見吧!
- 7 Reasons to Fall in Love With Amsterdam
‘In Amsterdam, the water is the mistress and the land the vassal. throughout the city, there are as many canals and drawbridges as bracelets on a Gypsy’s bronzed arms.’ -Janet -Felix Marti-Ibanez The city’s olive-green canals and handsome gabled mansions are indeed beautiful, but perhaps above all, it’s the flavour of the city that appeals – its inhabitants a creative and imaginative bunch who quite simply bring the place alight. Young Amsterdammers were energized, and the hippy movement infused the city with an adventurous spirit that survives today: it’s reflected in a string of cultural events such as Pride and King’s Day, a platoon of inventive art and photography galleries, and a penchant for design, from designer toothbrushes to a speciality condom shop, which manages to stretch everyone’s imagination. In the 13th century, Amsterdam was a small fishing village located behind a dyke/dam which protected them from the water from the Amstel river. At that time, it was located at the lade of the Amstel. Amsterdam was named Amstelredam, which referred to the dam in the Amstel river. Food. Who Does Not Love Food Amsterdam is a charming Dutch city known for flowing canals, colorful tulips and wooden clogs. It’s also a city where it’s possible to spend days strolling along waterways and visiting iconic sites like the Anne Frank House, Rijksmuseum and Van Gogh Museum. But what about the food in Amsterdam? Amsterdam is a great city to eat Dutch food and global cuisine between sightseeing and other extracurricular activities. The city has restaurants and snack shops serving a variety of tasty food at all price points. In Amsterdam, crispy meatballs called Bitterballen are the go-to snack at bars around the city. Since most travelers visit at least one bar in Amsterdam, eating Bitterballen is almost inevitable when visiting the DAM. The Bitterballen recipe is fairly straightforward and can be completed in a few steps. First, Dutch chefs slow cook meat and refrigerate the resulting stew until it solidifies. They then form the meat mixture into little balls, bread them and fry them to crispy perfection. Unlike their fluffy American cousins, Dutch pancakes called Pannekoeken are flat, savory and fill the plate. Locals eat Pannekoeken at all times of the day, often topping the starchy base with cured meat or smoked salmon. However, some Amsterdammers prefer to add fruit or chocolate to create a sweet dessert pancake. Stroopwafels take the cookie concept to the next level by filling two thin wafers with sweet Stroop, the same caramel-like syrup that goes well with Pannekoeken. Miniature pancakes called Poffertjes are a popular snack available at stands around Amsterdam. Dutch cooks prepare Poffertjes batter with buckwheat flour before frying the petite treats to crispy goodness. Walks By the Canal There’s something about the canals in Amsterdam. Telling stories of hundreds, thousands of people. Dubbed as the Venice of the North, it covers more than 100 kilometers (62 miles). The canals are one of the defining features of the city. These 17th century canals are also under the UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you are visiting Amsterdam, a canal cruise is a must. Rent a boat along the canals and enjoy the day! A visit to Amsterdam isn’t complete without enjoying the canals. The best way to enjoy Amsterdam’s canals is from the water. You can rent a paddle boat and explore the canal belt at your own pace. If you prefer to take things easier, take a canal cruise where a guide will tell you all about the history of Amsterdam. They are a symbol of Amsterdam and of great cultural and historical value. Every canal in Amsterdam is unique and has its own charm. The Gouden Bocht or Golden Curve, the section of Herengracht between Leidsestraat and Vijzelstraat, boasts the most beautiful canal houses in Amsterdam. The bridge on the corner of Reguliersgracht and Herengracht offers an exquisite view. From the odd-numbered side, you can see as many as fifteen bridges! The Magere Brug (’skinny bridge’) is the most picturesque of all bridges. Beautifully lit at night, it is one of Amsterdam’s most romantic spots. Bikes, bikes and more bikes Everyone in Amsterdam seems to get around by bike. In fact, the Dutch capital is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world. So rent a bike and explore the city – it’s the fastest and cheapest way to get around. Even if you only pedal around for a few hours, riding a bike is an essential Amsterdam experience. Renting a bike or taking a guided cycle tour is a great way to discover the city and can be quite an adventure. Exploring the city on a bike lets you see more in a day, while blending in with the locals at the same time. Below you’ll find all you need to know about cycling in Amsterdam, including where to hire a bike, cycling safety, where to park your bike, rules of the road and the history of cycling in the Netherlands. Due to risk of theft, many people ride battered old cycles for normal use around town. Most Dutch cyclists will also own a more expensive bike for touring – given that there are 100,000 km of well marked cycle routes around the country. If you want to ride a bike around the city it does take a bit of practice to get up to speed with the locals – so take some care initially. A lot of bad cycling seen in the centre of Amsterdam is actually done by inexperienced tourists who may not do much bike riding at home. Keukenhof is just a train ride away Keukenhof park is just half an hour away from Amsterdam. It’s one of the most beautiful gardens in the world filled with at least 7 million spring-flowering bulbs. It’s only open from March 24-May 16, so time your trip accordingly. Tulips from Holland are world famous. If you want to see the Dutch tulip fields in bloom, you should visit Holland in April and May. Keukenhof is a park where more than 7 million flower bulbs are planted every year. Gardens and four pavilions show a fantastic collection of: tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, orchids, roses, carnations, irises, lilies and many other flowers. You will be overwhelmed by a spectacle of colors and perfumes. At Keukenhof, you’d think you were adrift on a sea of flowers. Divided across various gardens and pavilions, the tulips and other flowers number in the millions. Keukenhof has a different theme each year, meaning that it is never the same. Unique in the world, this park attracts over a million visitors every year. Note that the tulips bloom only from mid-March to mid-May, meaning that the park is only open during this period. “Gezelligheid” Gezelligheid is a Dutch abstract noun that’s used to describe the Dutch culture. It can’t be translated to any other language but it can mean cosy, friendly, fun and/or welcoming. It can refer to the sensation of living in a friendly community and feeling content. The stunning architectures Amsterdam is best known for its luxurious canal houses and charming gabled facades, but the city has enough architectural treasures to keep design lovers busy for weeks. From windmills and drawbridges to the Amsterdam School and cutting-edge modern design, learn the stories behind Amsterdam’s most memorable structures. Amsterdam’s canal belt is on the UNESCO World Heritage List and it’s where you’ll find charming canal houses. Originally homes for the wealthy, many were built at the height of the 17th-century. Be sure to look up as you wander or cruise by as the ornate facades and gables are something to behold. It’s all about sculptural brickwork when it comes to this iconic architectural style. Referencing Expressionist architecture, Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) and elements of Art Deco, Amsterdam School gives equal weight to the interior and the exterior of each building. In a city of 1,200+ bridges, it’s fair to say that there are some striking examples of bridge building in the city. The oldest bridge dates from 1648 and in the east you’ll find one of the city’s newest bridges, the Python Bridge. It’s not just about the architecture, engineering also plays a part as many of these bridges elevate to allow high boats to pass and when back in place, trams, trains, cars and bikes can continue to cross. Once a hub for the shipping industry, the Eastern Docklands is now a vibrant residential area featuring some daring architectural constructions. Nestled among row houses are flashy buildings that somehow blend into the surroundings. Festivals Amsterdam is also a city with a lot going on: numerous, very popular, and some even world-famous events take place in Amsterdam every year. So, in this article I want to share with you some of the biggest events in Amsterdam that are well worth coming to the city for! The Amsterdam Light Festival is an annual light art festival in Amsterdam. Artists, architects and (light) designers from all over the world bring their light artworks and installations alive during the festival. The artworks are placed alongside two routes. Each route has its own theme and set of artworks. If you’re looking to do some Christmas shopping, are craving a hot chocolate or are up for some ice-skating, the Christmas markets are the place to be! Amsterdam hosts various Christmas markets throughout the city, several ice rinks and even an ice sculpture festival! The Amsterdam Gay Pride is probably the event in Amsterdam that is most well-known internationally. The festival attracts several hundred thousand visitors each year and is one of the largest publicly held annual events in the Netherlands. How could you not fall in love with Amsterdam?
- One Hour Abroad: MyProGuide's Online Tour Brings You the Beauty of Europe at Home!
In this fast-paced world, even if you can't travel in person, you can still experience the beauty of destinations worldwide through online tours. MyProGuide Online Tours is a platform that offers global travel experiences, allowing you to explore the world from the comfort of your home through the internet. This article will introduce what MyProGuide Online Tours is and review the highlights of the online tour activities in Paris and Amsterdam in April, giving you a glimpse of the beauty of Europe and explaining why you should immediately sign up for these activities! What is MyProGuide Online Tour? MyProGuide Online Tours is a new platform for travel experiences that combines the knowledge of professional guides with real-time internet technology to provide you with the richest and most vivid travel experiences. Wherever you are, as long as you have internet access, you can easily participate in travel activities around the world without worrying about time and location constraints! Review of April's online tour activities in Paris and Amsterdam: In this event, participants not only strolled through the romantic streets of Paris with professional guide Yazu but also explored the details and meanings behind the buildings around the Royal Palace and the Louvre through Zoom interactive quizzes with the host. Amsterdam is renowned for its unique canals, vibrant colors, and beautiful tulips. In this activity, travelers are led by professional guide Stephen on a stroll along the canals of Amsterdam, where they can admire the city's unique charm. Whether you're visiting for the first time or revisiting fond memories, this online tour allows you to rediscover the allure of Amsterdam! Why should you participate in these activities? Unique Experience: MyProGuide Online Tours offers a novel way to experience travel, allowing you to enjoy the pleasures similar to actual travel from the comfort of your home, without worrying about transportation, accommodation, and scheduling issues. Professional Guides: Our professional guides will lead you to delve deeper into the culture, history, and stories of each destination, providing you with a more profound understanding of the locality. Convenience: Regardless of where you are, as long as you have internet access, you can participate in activities anytime, anywhere, eliminating the hassles and inconveniences of travel. Join MyProGuide Online Tours now, and let us take you on a unique journey through Europe, exploring the beauty of the world and experiencing the charm of travel!