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  • 【Pargue】Old Town Mysterious Stories

    【Destination】Pargue Old Town 【Time】3rd May Fri. 20:00(GMT+8)14:00(GMT+1) 【Duration】50 minutes 【Keywords】#Pargue #praguetravel #CzechRepublic #oldtown #ghoststroy 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure through the heart of Prague's Old Town? Our online tour is designed to whisk you away to a realm where history and mystery intertwine, offering a unique glimpse into the soul of this ancient city. If you… *Wish to see the beautiful architecture scenery of Prague, *Are curious about Czech people and want to explore their history, *Already planned a trip to Czech Republic, but haven't got the time to plan your trip, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, tea, or your beverage of choice, and immerse yourself in Mysterious Prague. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become a Prague expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Prague history. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are unstable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 Start the tour from old town square Learn the history of Prague Listen to intriguing ghost stories Enjoy beautiful scenery from Charles Bridge 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Silvie(Licensed Tour Guide) *A 49 year-old passionate tour guide and explorer *An architecture, history, and geography lover 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover

  • 【巴黎】Bonjour!漫遊皇家宮殿與羅浮宮周邊

    為什麼巴黎人總是給人如此優雅迷人的形象呢? 環境會改變人們身上散發的氣場,因此想揭開這個問題的答案,必須先從認識巴黎這座城市開始! 跟著MyProGuide專業導遊,一起踏入最熱門的巴黎第一區,從羅浮宮迷人的建築到法國皇家宮殿周邊街道,沉浸在巴黎豐富的歷史和文化中。 如果你...... *夢想在巴黎市中心漫步,感受過往皇室歷史的璀璨光輝, *渴望探索巴黎街頭的風情萬種,想知道哪裡能品嚐道地法式美食, *已經計劃好要去巴黎旅遊,但還沒時間查詢與規劃要去哪些巴黎景點, 那你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊在找的人! 這個活動提供: ☕ 舒適方便|泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,就能跟著鏡頭深入巴黎。無需踏出門,MyProGuide帶你走過羅浮宮周邊歷史景點! ⌚ 即時互動|對景點充滿好奇嗎?想到的問題隨時可以提出,導遊一定有問必答!讓你在1小時的導覽中,收穫滿滿巴黎小知識! 🏆 專業導覽|MyProGuide與專業導遊合作,帶你探索古都巴黎,瀏覽各代表性宮殿歷史! 【活動行程】 從羅浮宮金字塔出發認識城市歷史 介紹巴黎皇家宮殿歷史和皇家小故事 在地嚮導推薦巴黎第一區周邊必去景點 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 游雅如(巴黎中文導遊 🇹🇼) *《巴黎第46號閣樓小生活》主人 *法國觀光碩士,專業巴黎中文導遊 *把世界各地當作辦公室的同時,也享受著向旅客大力推廣巴黎的美 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,是博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者

  • 【曼谷】四面佛在泰國=土地公?!線上旅遊X參拜大全

    【地點】泰國曼谷四面佛 🇹🇭 【時間】2024年4月21日(日)11:00(GMT+8 臺灣)10:00(GMT+7 泰國) 【活動長度】40分鐘 【關鍵字】#曼谷 #四面佛 #泰國旅遊 #曼谷景點 #廟宇文化 🌎 我們將使用Zoom進行線上直播,建議提前下載並安裝。 【活動介紹】 你聽說過曼谷超靈驗的四面佛嗎? 你知道嗎?雖然四面佛被稱為「佛」,但其實並非佛教的神明。 每一面分別代表「慈、悲、喜、捨」的四面佛又該怎麼參拜呢? 如果你... *想要向四面佛祈求以達成心願,但是還不知道應該如何參拜, *對泰國廟宇文化充滿好奇,渴望深入了解四面佛的歷史故事, *已經準備好要旅遊探索曼谷,但還沒有時間規劃景點行程, 那你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊在找的人! 這個活動提供: ☕ 舒適方便|泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,即可出發曼谷,認識四面佛! ⌚ 即時互動|對景點充滿好奇嗎?想到的問題隨時可以提出,導遊一定有問必答!讓你在1小時的導覽中,收穫滿滿四面佛小知識! 🏆 專業導覽|MyProGuide與專業導遊合作,帶您從捷運站Chit Lom出發,了解該如何參拜四面佛! 【活動行程】 1. 從捷運 Chit Lom 站出發,深入認識曼谷四面佛歷史 2. 從購買鮮花開始,學習四面佛參拜儀式的知識 3. 探索更多曼谷四面佛附近的景點 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 Bank(在地導遊 🇹🇭) *專業泰國中文導遊 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,是博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者

  • 【Taipei】Xia-Hai City God Temple

    【Destination】Xia-Hai City God Temple in Taipei Old Town Dadaocheng 【Time】2024年4月27日(六)11:00(GMT+8) 【Duration】50分鐘 【Keywords】#taiwantemple #taipeitravel #taiwantravel #Dadaocheng 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 🌟 Xia-Hai City God Temple is an important traditional temple in Taipei City. ❣️ 80% of its visitors come seeking the "Red Thread"(紅線) – a term symbolizing a quest for love. But how exactly do Taiwanese people worship the Love Deity? If you… *Are curious about how Taiwanese worship the Love Deity in the temple, *Are eager to explore Taiwan but don't have time to research, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, *Have visited Taiwan before but still want to learn more about Taiwanese religious culture, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, and immerse yourself in old town Dadaocheng of Taipei. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become a Dadaocheng expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Taiwanese history and culture. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are instable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 1. Explore Taipei Dadaocheng online with the guide. 2. Learn about the history of Dadaocheng and Xia-Hai City God Temple. 3. Learn about Love (Matchmaking) Deity and how to worship him. 4. Recommendations for other things to do around Dadaocheng. 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Jady Huang (Licensed Tour Guide 🇹🇼) *Professional Guide from MyProGuide 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover

  • 【Taipei】Shilin Night Market

    【Destination】Shilin Night Market, One of the Best Night Market in Taipei 🇹🇼 【Time】2024/4/10(三)19:30(GMT+8) 【Duration】50 mins 【Keywords】 #taiwanstreetfood #taipeinightmarket #Shilinnightmarket #taipeitravel 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 🥘 When it comes to traveling in Taiwan, visiting the night markets and indulging in delicious street food is an absolute must! If you... *Are curious about Taiwan and want to learn about its food culture, *Are eager to explore Taiwan but don't have time to research, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, *Have visited Taiwan before but still want to learn more about Taiwanese night markets and food culture, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee or tea, and immerse yourself in one of the most famous night market in Taipei without stepping out the door! ⌚ Real-time Interaction: Curious about the sites? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers immediately. 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Taiwan's food culture. 【Itinerary】 1. Explore Taipei's Shilin Night Market online with the guide. 2. Learn about the history of the night market. 3. Recommendations for must-try Taiwanese street food. 4. Recommendations for other attractions around the night market. 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Kent Chang (Licensed Tour Guide 🇹🇼) “Travel helps you get to know about yourself, let's do this.” *good at observing people and things around them *worked in the accommodation service industry for 7 years *worked in the financial field for 3 years *professional service attitude and care for the needs of customers 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover *worked in the cultural industry for 5 years

  • 【Amsterdam】Canals Colors Tulips

    【Destination】Amsterdam in Springtime 🌷 【Time】2024年4月17日(三)20:00(GMT+8)14:00(GMT+1) 【Duration】50 Mins 【Keywords】#Amsterdam #Amsterdamtravel #荷蘭旅遊 #阿姆斯特丹旅遊 #賞花 #鬱金香 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 🌷Spring is in full bloom, and it's not just Japan's cherry blossoms that steal the show – the Netherlands' tulip season is equally captivating! Have you ever been to the Netherlands? When it comes to Amsterdam, people will think of colorful tulips, freedom, and river canals. If you… *Wish to see the beautiful and enchanting tulips, *Are curious about Dutch people and want to explore their history, *Already planned a trip to the Netherland, but haven't got the time to plan your trip, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, tea, or your beverage of choice, and immerse yourself in Springtime Amsterdam. With MyProGuide, you'll learn about the history of this canal city. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become an Amsterdam expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Amsterdam culture. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are instable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 1. Start by Dam Square, and Stroll along the canal rivers 2. Experience the beauty of colorful houses and tulips 3. Learn the history of Amsterdam with fascinating stories 4. Recommendations for other attractions in Amsterdam 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Stephen (Licensed Tour Guide 🇳🇱) *Professional Guide from Amsterdam experience 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover

  • 【香港】漫遊銅鑼灣,到鵝頸橋打小人!

    【地點】香港銅鑼灣&鵝頸橋打小人 🇭🇰 【時間】2024年4月13日(六)15:00(GMT+8 臺灣、香港時間) 【活動長度】50分鐘 【關鍵字】#香港旅遊 #香港景點 #銅鑼灣景點 #打小人 #消災 #療癒 #民俗文化 🌎 我們將使用Zoom進行線上直播,建議提前下載並安裝。 【活動介紹】 你聽說過打小人嗎? 什麼是打小人呢? 「打小人」是香港人驅除霉運的獨特習俗。來到香港島銅鑼灣附近的鵝頸橋,神婆會點燃香燭,祭出剪紙白虎,再拿出拖鞋來把小人打走,這樣就能轉運了! 如果你... *身邊有難溝通的廠商同事,百般刁難的親戚長輩,陰魂不散的前伴侶,綠茶奶茶渣男海王..., *曾聽說香港打小人的服務,但是一直還沒有機會飛到香港嘗試, *曾去過香港旅遊,但是還想再探索不同的散步路線和深度在地文化, 那你就是MyProGuide線上旅遊在找的人! 這個活動提供: ☕ 舒適方便|泡杯咖啡坐在沙發上,即可體驗搭乘叮叮車、欣賞銅鑼灣美景。無需踏出門,MyProGuide帶你走過最美香港街角! ⌚ 即時互動|對景點充滿好奇嗎?想到的問題隨時可以提出,導遊一定有問必答!讓你在1小時的導覽中,收穫滿滿香港小知識! 🏆 專業導覽|MyProGuide與專業導遊合作,帶您從維多莉亞公園出發,認識香港城市歷史,探索打小人習俗,看阿婆如何用鞋子打小人! 【活動行程】 1. 從維多莉亞公園出發認識城市歷史 2. 搭乘叮叮車經過時代廣場在堅拿道天橋下車 3. 鵝頸橋打小人文化介紹與神婆互動 【注意事項】 ❗連結將於旅遊前2小時透過電子郵件發送給您。 (如果您沒有收到,請檢查您的垃圾郵件文件夾,以防電子郵件被放在那裡!) ❗由於這是一個即時的線上導覽,請確保您的網路穩定。 ❗本次導覽將以中文進行。 ❗在導覽過程中,請隨時提問並與您的導覽員互動。 ❗如果您有任何問題,請聯繫➜。 【講者介紹】 🌏 Longman Luk(在地導遊 🇭🇰) *香港民間文化研究及藝術創作者 *曾擔任國泰航空空服員,擅長與旅客互動 🎤 Hui-Fang(主持人 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide 線上旅遊專員 *曾服務於文化產業,是博物館和文化遺產旅行愛好者

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