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  • 【Prague】Lesser Town History Walks

    【Destination】Prague Lesser Town 【Time】14th June Fri. 20:00(GMT+8)14:00(GMT+1) 【Duration】60 minutes 【Keywords】#Prague #praguetravel #CzechRepublic #lessertown #praguehistory 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 Begin your adventure at the iconic Charles Bridge, and wander through beautiful architecture and enchanting alleys in Lesser town. Listen to captivating tales of Prague's rich history, brought to life by our expert guides! If you… *Wish to see the beautiful architecture scenery of Prague, *Are curious about Czech people and want to explore their history, *Already planned a trip to Czech Republic, but haven't got the time to plan your trip, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, tea, or your beverage of choice, and immerse yourself in Mysterious Prague. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become a Prague expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Prague history. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are unstable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 Start the tour from Charles Bridge Visit the grand St. Nicholas Cathedral Wander through Narrowest Alley of Prague Listen to Historical stories of Prague 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Silvie(Licensed Tour Guide) *A 49 year-old passionate tour guide and explorer *An architecture, history, and geography lover 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover

  • 【Prague】Old Town Mysterious Stories

    【Destination】Pargue Old Town 【Time】3rd May Fri. 20:00(GMT+8)14:00(GMT+1) 【Duration】50 minutes 【Keywords】#Pargue #praguetravel #CzechRepublic #oldtown #ghoststroy 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary adventure through the heart of Prague's Old Town? Our online tour is designed to whisk you away to a realm where history and mystery intertwine, offering a unique glimpse into the soul of this ancient city. If you… *Wish to see the beautiful architecture scenery of Prague, *Are curious about Czech people and want to explore their history, *Already planned a trip to Czech Republic, but haven't got the time to plan your trip, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, tea, or your beverage of choice, and immerse yourself in Mysterious Prague. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become a Prague expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Prague history. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are unstable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 Start the tour from old town square Learn the history of Prague Listen to intriguing ghost stories Enjoy beautiful scenery from Charles Bridge 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Silvie(Licensed Tour Guide) *A 49 year-old passionate tour guide and explorer *An architecture, history, and geography lover 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover

  • 【Taipei】Xia-Hai City God Temple

    【Destination】Xia-Hai City God Temple in Taipei Old Town Dadaocheng 【Time】2024年4月27日(六)11:00(GMT+8) 【Duration】50分鐘 【Keywords】#taiwantemple #taipeitravel #taiwantravel #Dadaocheng 🌎 We will use Zoom to stream this online tour, It is recommended to download and install it first. 【Overview】 🌟 Xia-Hai City God Temple is an important traditional temple in Taipei City. ❣️ 80% of its visitors come seeking the "Red Thread"(紅線) – a term symbolizing a quest for love. But how exactly do Taiwanese people worship the Love Deity? If you… *Are curious about how Taiwanese worship the Love Deity in the temple, *Are eager to explore Taiwan but don't have time to research, and prefer an online tour via your mobile device, *Have visited Taiwan before but still want to learn more about Taiwanese religious culture, then you're who MyProGuide online tour is looking for! This event will provide you... ☕ Comfort and Convenience: Sit back with a cup of coffee, and immerse yourself in old town Dadaocheng of Taipei. ⌚Real-time Interaction: Curious about the landmarks? Feel free to ask any questions, and our guide will provide answers in real-time! Within the 50-minute tour, you might become a Dadaocheng expert! 🏆 Professional Guiding: MyProGuide collaborates with local professional guides to give you an in-depth understanding of Taiwanese history and culture. *Please note that the video quality may vary depending on your internet connection and device stability. If the images delay or are instable, it is normal. 【Itinerary】 1. Explore Taipei Dadaocheng online with the guide. 2. Learn about the history of Dadaocheng and Xia-Hai City God Temple. 3. Learn about Love (Matchmaking) Deity and how to worship him. 4. Recommendations for other things to do around Dadaocheng. 【Special reminder】 ❗The link will be sent to you via email 2 hours before the tour. (If you haven't received it, please check your Spam folder in case the email landed there !) ❗As this is a real-time online tour, please make sure your internet is stable. ❗This tour will be conducted in English. ❗Don't hesitate to ask questions and interact with your guide during the tour. ❗If you have any questions, please contact ➜ 【Tour Guide & Host】 🌏 Jady Huang (Licensed Tour Guide 🇹🇼) *Professional Guide from MyProGuide 🎤 Hui-Fang(Host 🇹🇼) *MyProGuide Online Tour Specialist *a museum and heritage travel lover



  • 曼谷四面佛其實不是「佛」?!讓線上旅遊專業導遊幫你重點預習即將出發的泰國之旅!

    你知道嗎?泰國政府最近宣布延長台灣人免簽證旅遊政策,對正在規劃泰國旅遊的人們來說,這真是一個好消息! 迷人又充滿熱情活力的曼谷是很多旅客會選擇的泰國旅遊第一站,在所有美麗的宗教遺址和寺廟當中,四面佛是非常特別的一個,甚至被泰國人視為能實現願望的神聖之地。 四面佛雖然名為「佛」,但其實與佛教無關。這個神祕的守護神源自於印度教的「梵天」,在泰國信仰佛教的同時,人們也向其他宗教的神明許願。因此,四面佛就像是台灣的土地公一樣,深受泰國人的崇拜和信仰。 四面佛-線上旅遊活動 作為遠道而來的旅客,當然也要體驗泰國當地特別的信仰傳統囉!MyProGuide 在今年(2024年)5月11日(六)上午11:00 舉辦了一場免費線上旅遊活動,讓你無需出國,就能跟著在地專業導遊的導覽,一起探索與參拜靈驗的四面佛。 這也是線上旅遊的另外一個很重要的功能,就是能夠幫助喜愛自由行的旅客,在出發前先重點預習該地的景點風景與故事! 四面佛-線上祈願服務 若你沒有前往泰國的計畫,無法親自參拜四面佛,別擔心!我們還有提供線上祈願和還願的服務,讓你能夠隨時隨地向四面佛許願,感受來自泰國的祝福和保佑。只需透過官網或Klook活動頁面,就能輕鬆完成祈願,讓你的願望得以實現。 無論你是想參加線上旅遊活動,還是透過線上祈願服務感受四面佛的神奇力量,我們都期待能與你一同探索這段泰國之旅!點擊以上連結,了解更多關於我們的活動和服務,讓我們一起開啟美好的泰國之旅!

  • 1小時的出國:MyProGuide線上旅遊帶你在家體驗歐洲之美!

    在這個匆忙的世界裡,即使不能親自前往,也能透過線上旅遊感受世界各地的美景。 MyProGuide線上旅遊是一個提供全球旅遊體驗的平台,讓您在舒適的家中,透過網路即刻啟程探索世界。本文將介紹MyProGuide線上旅遊是什麼,並回顧2024年四月在巴黎和阿姆斯特丹的線上旅遊活動,帶您一窺歐洲之美,並解釋為什麼您應該報名參加線上旅遊! MyProGuide線上旅遊是什麼? MyProGuide線上旅遊是一個全新的旅遊體驗平台,結合了專業導遊的知識和即時網路技術,為您提供最豐富、最生動的旅遊體驗。無論您身在何處,只要有網路,就能輕鬆參與全球各地的旅遊活動,無需擔心時間和地點的限制! 回顧四月份的巴黎和阿姆斯特丹線上旅遊活動: 巴黎 - 「Bonjour巴黎 漫遊羅浮宮和皇家宮殿」在這場活動中,旅客們不僅與巴黎專業中文導遊雅如一同漫步在巴黎的浪漫街道上,更與主持人透過Zoom投票問答的方式,探索皇家宮殿和羅浮宮周邊建築的細節與背後的意涵。 阿姆斯特丹 - 「色彩、運河和鬱金香」阿姆斯特丹以其獨特的運河、繽紛的色彩和春天綻放的美麗鬱金香聞名於世。在這場活動中,旅客們在專業英文導遊Stephen的引領下,漫步在阿姆斯特丹的運河畔,欣賞到這座城市獨有的魅力。無論您是第一次造訪還是回味已久,這次線上旅遊都能讓您重新感受到阿姆斯特丹的魅力! 為什麼您應該參加這些活動? 獨特體驗:MyProGuide線上旅遊提供了一種另類的旅遊體驗方式,讓您可以在家中享受與實際旅行相似的樂趣,但不用擔心交通、住宿和時間安排的問題。 導遊互動:我們的專業導遊將帶領您深入探索每個目的地的文化、歷史和故事,回答您的任何問題,讓您對當地有更深入的了解。 方便即時:無論您身在何處,只要有網路,就能隨時隨地參與直播活動,省去了旅行中的煩惱和不便。 立即加入MyProGuide線上旅遊,讓我們帶您展開一段別具一格的歐洲之旅,探索世界之美,感受旅行的魅力!

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